1980年,約翰連儂(John Lennon)是位全職爸爸,拿手好戲是做麵包。
1980年,連儂和大野洋子(Yoko Ono)正在為大碟<Double Fantasy>作後期製作。洛杉磯時報樂評人Robert Hilburn當時曾參加他們的一個派對,他發現連儂不時會走到鄰廳,幾分鐘後再度出現,他擔心儘管連儂宣稱已過著健康生活,但可能只是謊言一堆。製作唱片的壓力令他再度服用毒品。Hilburn其後見到連儂在櫃中取出一樣東西,他恐怕自己正在破壞人家私隱之際,連儂向他招手和作出要他不要發聲的手勢。當Hilburn在連儂身旁的時候,連儂再從櫃中取出一件用毛巾包裹的物件。
"Good to see you again, John"
然後兩人享受那塊違禁品 - hershey's bar朱古力。
他在1975年後第一個給傳媒的專訪中,激動的向<花花公子>雜誌作者David Sheff解釋, 不管樂迷怎看,他只對自己負責:
Listen, if somebody's gonna impress me, whether it be a Maharishi or a Yoko Ono, there comes a point when the emperor has no clothes. There comes a point when I will see. So for all you folks out there who think that I'm having the wool pulled over my eyes, well, that's an insult to me. Not that you think less of Yoko, because that's your problem. What I think of her is what counts! Because -- fuck you, brother and sister -- you don't know what's happening. I'm not here for you. I'm here for me and her and the baby!
It can never be again! Everyone always talks about a good thing coming to an end, as if life was over. But I'll be 40 when this interview comes out. Paul is 38. Elton John, Bob Dylan -- we're all relatively young people. The game isn't over yet. Everyone talks in terms of the last record or the last Beatle concert -- but, God willing, there are another 40 years of productivity to go.
1980年12月8日,約翰連儂在紐約寓所外,遭25歲樂迷Mark Chapman在背後近距離槍擊。送院後証實死亡。
創造音樂歷史 - Making of Imagine
足本紀錄片<Gimme Some Truth>
留給Sean的歌 - Beautiful Boy
留給Yoko的歌 - Woman
留給世界的歌 - Imagine
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the house news